You are Now Entering The Twilight Zone!!!

Goodness, I could have sworn the whole week was part of the Twilight Zone…

Matt lost his job on Monday 😦  So we had a bunch of decisions to make and not a whole lot of time to make them.  To make a long story short… We are moving back to MN!!!!!!!!  We decided it was best to move home, Matt will stay with my parents while he looks for a job and since I have one, I’m staying in FL til mid-November when our lease is up.  It’s really a blessing in disguise, we wanted to move home after this job was over and now it’s just sooner 😉

After all the decision making was out of the way I was looking forward to a fun weekend away with the hubs.  Disney’s Tower of Terror 10 miler was that weekend and we were going!! 🙂

The run was ok…  It was incredibly humid!!!!!!!  By the time I was done running I seriously felt like my shirt was 10 lbs heavier from all the sweat… Gross I know.  Matt and I did pretty good, until about mile 7, I was getting tired and Matt’s quads were starting to get sore.  By mile 9, I really didn’t want to keep going, it was so humid that it just made the run kind of miserable.  Matt just kept pushing me and we finally made it to then end 🙂

Going through the finish line I was feeling pretty good.  However, because it was so humid and I had sweat so much I thought I needed to inhale water and powerade.  WORST IDEA EVER!!!!!!!  We went on a few rides at the after party and then I started to feel really sick….  Matt’s legs were hurting as well, so we decided to head back to the hotel.  We got back just in time, I was so sick for the rest of the night 😦

I just need to remember to stick to my regular running habits and listen to my body…  Oh well 🙂  It was super fun and I enjoyed myself!!  So glad I had my hubs along, I don’t think I could have finished without him!!!

1 thought on “You are Now Entering The Twilight Zone!!!

  1. Pingback: The One with the Christmas Letter | The Lentzed Life

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